Burning Dice is the collective term for four nerds who enjoy nothing better than sitting down at a table with paper and pencil and playing games. Do we not have better things to do? Absolutely not. Life can be a rough ride, so taking some time out to have a little fun every now and again is vital.

Our group came together in the summer of 2023 to see whether we could create an actual play D&D series with enough appeal that others might enjoy joining us on our adventures. We hope we have, and we’re very grateful to have you here!

Individually, we are:

  • Ben, who hosts the game and produces the content we release;
  • Jordan, who plays Glint, the Starforged Wizard;
  • Kate, who plays Storri of Clan Varga, the Hyenoid Druid;
  • Sam, who plays Gortek, the Goliath Fighter.

Thanks for visiting our site, we’re very happy you joined us!